The One Reason Pre-Diabetics Fail to Make Lasting Change

I have helped thousands of individuals improve their health, reverse diabetes, lose weight, overcome self-limiting beliefs and ultimately take their lives to the next level.  From the last 35 years, I’ve observed many factors that help people succeed in making these positive changes.

However, I have found only one factor that is more important than any of the others for making positive change.  If you read any of my past blog posts, joined my webinars, or read my emails you already know what that is. If not, I will share it with you here.  This is the one thing that separates those that succeed and those that fail. It comes down to one word:


I tell everyone that I work with,“You do not have to be perfect to be healthy. You only have to be consistent.” That’s it. It’s really hard to stop a person who just won’t stop.

So many of my clients think that they have to prepare to run a marathon, or plan on eating an extremely restrictive diet.  This form of perfection is nonsense and actually sets you up for failure. We will talk more about perfection and failure another day.

What you need to know now is that you must start where you are at with what you have.  There’s a book that I highly recommend that is called  The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.  In addition to being very motivational, the book presents the strategy of reaping massive rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions over time.  All you have to do is start. Once you start you gain momentum or as Darren refers to as Big Mo’. Once you’ve got the Big Mo’ going, it is hard to stop. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion.  

Small choices + consistency + time = significant results.

While the formula is simple. The method is not.

Consistently making those small choices is easy to write about, but actually living it out is a different story.  This is why it is vital that we have a mentor or coach who has been there who can give us both the wisdom and accountability to consistently execute on the right actions.

Maybe you’ve tried diets before, to see yourself lose the weight, and gain it all back 6 weeks later.  Maybe you have set your New Year's resolutions, to make this year the year everything changes, but find that by February life has already gotten in the way.  Maybe you feel discouraged and have accepted this rut as your reality. Maybe you feel you are too old to make a change. Maybe you’ve just decided that you will just take the Metformin and hope that it will maintain your blood sugar levels enough to delay any serious illness.

Well, from working with thousands of individuals, I can tell you, you do not have to be confined by the rut or your current reality.  Each individual that I have worked with over the years has had a similar thought before they started, and they all worked past these thoughts to a new reality - one of more freedom, better health, and oftentimes more confidence.

Where Should I Start to Encourage Consistency?

It’s really hard, if not impossible when changing bad habits and making positive lifestyle changes, to go at it alone.  When the going gets tough, you need someone there who can encourage you toward the consistency you need and help hold you accountable.  That is why I recommend starting by getting a coach with a proven plan.

This approach can look different for different people.  For some, a personal trainer may be a good option. For others joining a local weekly diabetes prevention program or support group may be a good option.  In many areas, the YMCA or your local hospital offer the CDC’s Diabetes Prevention and Weight Loss Program for $500 which is a very effective program for losing weight and reversing type 2 diabetes.  Hope 80/20 offers the same program, with additional one-on-one coaching, weekly support webinars, and weekly videos to support you to make this positive change from the comfort of your own home. If you want to give it a test drive, risk-free for 7-days, click here.

Regardless, of which program you choose, make sure it has a proven track record and make sure you commit to it at least 6 weeks to encourage consistency, and to encourage consistency do not go at it alone.

Wishing you all the best.  Don’t forget that the only thing you need to make the change you desire is consistency, and to encourage consistency, find a trusted individual who can help you with that consistency.

Yours in Good Health,


The Importance of the Pre-Diabetes Quiz


This One Factor Increases Your Risk of Diabetes by 80 Times!