This One Factor Increases Your Risk of Diabetes by 80 Times!

Obesity is the single biggest predictor of type 2 diabetes.  In fact, a study from Diabetes UK found that obese individuals are 80 times more likely to develop diabetes than those with a regular body mass index.

Diabetes can increase your risk of serious illness including heart disease, stroke, blindness, and even amputations of limbs.  In fact, it is estimated that as many as 80% of diabetics will die from heart disease. This really is a serious problem that must be tackled now.  

Fortunately, our body throws us some warning signs before we actually develop full-blown type 2 diabetes.  While simple blood tests can show you if your blood sugar is in the range of a pre-diabetic, our quiz at shows you if you are at risk of pre-diabetes/diabetes.  However, one of the most glaring warning signs is having a body mass index over 30, which is when your likelihood of developing diabetes increases by 80 times.

What is Your BMI telling you?

If you don’t know your BMI, let’s start by calculating it below:

[bmi theme="material"]

Ok now that you have calculated your BMI, is it over 30? If so, a score of 30+ is considered in the obese range and is up to 80 times more likely of developing diabetes.

Even a range from 25 - 29.9 is considered overweight and does increase your likelihood of developing diabetes.

Now let’s look at the second part of this that is also related.

What is Your Waist Circumference Telling You?

BMI can be a pretty good indicator of your risk level of developing diabetes, but you can also look at your waist size and get a general idea as well.  Look at the chart below to find where you fall on the chart and see your risk level.

Diabetes Risk By Waist Circumference (INCHES)

Diabetes Risk



Very High


Less than 31.5

31.5 - 35

Greater than 35


Less than 37

37 - 40

Greater than 40

If your BMI is above 30 or your waist circumference is in the “high” range, you are likely at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  If you haven’t already, you may want to take our Pre-Diabetes Quiz at  All of these can be indicators, but only blood work and a doctor can confirm if you are, in fact, at increased risk.

The Good News

While there is no denying the direct link between diabetes and obesity, this is not all bad news.  The good news is that losing even a little weight can have a dramatic effect on decreasing your likelihood of becoming diabetic.  The CDC recommends losing as little as 5-10% can be enough to decrease your likelihood of developing diabetes. If you are already type 2 diabetic, losing 5-10% is often enough to make a significant improvement in your health.

The even better news is that we’ve found that losing 5-10% of your body weight can be done in as little as 6 weeks, without a drastic diet or dramatic increase in physical activity.  It really comes down to small daily changes that are going to start moving your health in the right direction.

We will discuss these small changes in our upcoming blog post series, so make sure you subscribe to our posts below.

Also, if you are interested in significantly reducing your risk of diabetes and losing 10-20 pounds in 6 weeks all from the comfort of your own home, without drastic diets join us in our premium course.  You will get weekly one-on-one access to your Diabetes Prevention and Weight Loss Coach, 30 minutes of weekly videos to instruct and inspire you in your change, and weekly access to our VIP Inner Circle webinar where our Health Coach will be providing you with information and inspiration to help you through your week.

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